Strange Tavern
This encounter is meant as a random encounter on a table or This is a great strange random encounter to have on your encounter table. It’s a great way to make your world seem weird and full of all sorts of stuff your PCs may not understand.
Initial Description:
As your party continues down the road thick with forest on both sides, a clearing begins to emerge. There is a single man standing in the clearing with a few tree trunks and he says, welcome to my inn, please come in and make yourself at home.
The NPC is the single man here, who goes by Buck. If the players ask what is going on he constantly dismisses them. He acts like the place is a tavern. If he gets any questions he laughs it off and pretends like the PCs must be joking. He will pantomime giving the PCs drinks and food. If they don’t attempt to drink or eat the food the Buck will ask what is wrong. If they play along with the pantomime they will find their thirst quenched and hunger gone. If they head to their “rooms” they will find no wind or rain bugging them and feel comfortable sleeping. At the end he will ask for 1 silver per a night. Should the PCs not pay him, he will curse the PCs. No matter what food they eat, drink they find, or beds they rest on their needs are not met and they will never recover above 2 levels of exhaustion (or some other mechanic depending on the game).
Special Mechanics:
The Curse - Should the PCs not pay the inn keeper they will never recover above two levels of exhaustion and always feel hungry and tired until they pay him.
Inspirations, Shoutouts, and Thanks - @BagatiniLucas for the prompt “Human.. make it weird” on twitter.
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