What the Hell Happened Here? (Aboard the Mining Station Part 1)
This encounter is met to prime the players on what is going on. The first four rooms are really about staging the scene and setting up a few scares. It won’t be a jump scare but it should certainly surprise them. This takes place aboard the ship just after they land on the mining vessel. If your players decided to try and get on via the astroid then look to the upcoming section (yet to be titled, but will be edited when it is done).
Initial Description:
The space station has nothing but emergency lights on. You can looking up the ceiling is made of a metal mesh grate. Looking around the room you see two door across from one another on the hallway. In front of you a large amount of debris has been made to block the hallway. It goes all the way up through the ceiling.
Rooms and Information:
Room 1: The room is tossed. Things have been thrown everywhere. Looking at the door on the left the placard says infirmary. On the right it says office supply closet.
Room 2: This room is completely dark. It was clearly an infirmary at one point. The metal tables at one point were put agains the door leading to the next room. Most of the medical supplies seem to have been strewn across the floor.
-DC 15 Check (Negatives apply) reveal a single medkit. Good for healing someone of 2d4 + 2 HP.
-DC 10 Check (Negatives apply) reveal a storage drive with a video that shares the following message when played:
Whatever it was it got Gerald. It was big. It also got a huge bite outta me. [lifts arm up revealing an approximately 3 inch deep 5 inch wide bite mark). Doesn’t hurt much at the moment, probably the shock. I’ll get it wrapped up in a minute. We got it holed up in the manual labor quarter. I hope everyone got out of there before we locked it in…
Room 3: The room is completely dark and you can only see what your flashlight reveals. Most of the supplies have been strewn across the floor. This was an office supply room. The cabinets were knocked over in what looked like an attempt to block the door.
-DC 18 Perception check (no penalty for this) reveals a skittering sound from the next room
Room 5: The opening of the door reveals creatures skittering up into the ceiling outside of the light. Have PCs make a perception check at -2
a 10 reveals - They seemed to be large spiders.
a 15 reveals - The center mass seemed to be around the size of a rat.
a 20 reveals - Their legs seem disproportionately large an numerous to be a spider.
Side Objectives:
What the Hell Happened Here? - Get as much information about what they will encounter.
Purple Lines - Doors
Red Lines - Debris used to create barriers
Grey Lines - Walls of the Ship
Light Blue - The current section of the ship
Special Mechanics:
Dark - All general sight based perception checks are at a -4 and specific sight based are at a -2. Those numbers are double with a flashlight.
Rising Tension - Once it’s been established that there is something crawling around the ship, make sure to ask them how they open each door. Who is standing where, what is the marching order. This will keep your players from feeling like they can relax. While this is sort of a meta-way to keep the tension high, it works well enough and isn’t too invasive
How We Used it - We ran this adventure for our new Starfinder campaign. It was a job request they received.
Easy Re-skins - Could be an underground mining facility in a fantasy game, or anything doing work isolated a long way from civilization.
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