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Approaching (Aboard the Mining Vessel Part 0)

Aboard the Mining Vessel.jpg


This is an overview of the approach of the mining vessel. It gives you the promised reward and tells a bit about what they can see from the outside. This series will continue room by room until the whole space station has been described. A few of the encounters are big set piece encounters, but many set the tone of the environment. This was run for a party of 4 level 2 characters using the Starfinder system.

Initial Description:

You have gotten a job from the Dobrek mining corporation. They had gotten a distress single 36 hours ago from a space station mining astroids close to your location. Since then the station has gone dark. They fear they’ve been raided by pirates or  They have three tasks they would like you to achieve while there. Each one offers payment:

  1. Figure out what happened aboard the ship. (1,000 Credits)

  2. Find the large chunk of Grandidierite (1,000 Credits)

  3. Make the station safe (2,000 Credits)

As your ship approaches the mining station it is immediately apparent that it has taken a lot of damage. The station has been torn in half and is still connected to an astroid it was mining. You can see the docking bay. Based on the power reading from the ship you think it has enough power for one more dock before the docking systems would be totally shut down.



Board - Board the mining vessel.

Side Objectives:

What’s going On - Figure out as much as you can about what is going on inside the vessel.

Possible Actions:

Boarding: If the PCs decide to board using the dock no roll is necessary.
Landing on the Astroid: If the PCs try to land on the astroid it should be a hard piloting check. It’s not mean to be docked on. Then they need to find a way to drill into the astroid if they want to land there.
Scans: A DC 15 computers check reveals that the astroid has been hallowed out and there is no movement or any life on the vessel.


How We Used it - We ran this adventure for our new Starfinder campaign. It was a job request they received.

Easy Re-skins - Could be an underground mining facility in a fantasy game, or anything doing work isolated a long way from civilization.

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