The Prisoner
In this encounter your PC’s caravan is ambushed so that the attackers can kill (or take) a prisoner that they have been in charge of guarding. In our example the prisoner was a turncoat against the organization and if they are let out of their shackles they will help. It was part of a Sci - Fi game for us, but we re-skinned it to a fantasy game here.
Initial Description: The wagons are loaded up and you are sitting with the prisoner who is in shackles. He waits silently as you drive along. Though the trip to the castle is relatively short there is an isolated gap between where the town ends and where the city begins. About 15 minutes into the trip, you hear a “whistle” sound and watch as the carriage in front of you explodes. The driver takes a hard right trying to avoid the ashes of the cart in front of you, you hear a snap as one of the wheels on the cart breaks and the cart begins to roll. Roll Initiative.
4 Cultists (Will attempt to take their own life, have more information on where their current hideout is)
1 Cult Fanatic (Will attempt to take their own life, has more information on where their hideout is and the current plans)
1 Wizard with Fireball (A Mercenary, will flee if others are defeated, will also give up, only knows what he was payed for)
The Prisoner - Old One Warlock Stat Block. He had made a pact with the being the cult worships, but he found out the cult is trying to bring Abhorrent being to this plane of existence. While he was very much desired personal power he did not desire the end of the Kingdom. He had turned himself in and has information he wishes to share with the King
1. Protect the Prisoner
2. Escape
Side Objectives:
1. Get additional Prisoners
There is a lot of terrain here that can be used to the advantage of both the PCs and the enemies. The burning cart will apply damage and allow the fire to spread 5 feet each turn. Don’t forget to apply cover bonuses and give advantage for having the high ground to keep the fight more tactical.
Orange Rectangle - Cart on Fire
Brown Rectangle - Wrecked Cart
Green Circles - Trees
Red Circles - Cultists
Red X - Cult Fanatic
Blue X - Wizard
Special Mechanics:
It’s Burning - The fire spreads 5 feet in every direction each turn.
How We Used it - As a sci-fi encounter in a Savage Worlds game to kick off a campaign.
Easy Re-skins - Sci-fi, Western (make them part of a bandit gang) or really any time period works for this. You could also make them taking the prisoner, not wanting to kill the prisoner and the prisoner wanting to escape. Would change the dynamic of the fight considerably.
Inspirations, Shoutouts, and Thanks -
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