This encounter draws its interest mostly from the unusual tactics of the enemies. It revolves around the enemies realizing they are out gunned and using cheap tactics to put the party in a difficult situation. The gist of it is that the PCs are attacked in a bad part of town and the aggressors will focus all of their attacks on a "squishy" target (i.e. a caster or whoever else has low AC). Once that person has been knocked unconscious they will try and escape into the crowd/sewers/tunnels.
Initial Description:
As you walk through the seedier type of town you keep alert. As you follow your path you go through small winding alleyways. You keep your head low making sure you don't attract too much attention. You hear a slight noise off in the corner and see a moving shadow. Roll initiative!
5 Bandits
1 Gladiator
Capture one of the player characters to use as a bargaining chip.
Get them! - Fight off the criminals who are attacking them.
Side Objectives:
Where are you taking them? - Don't let their fellow party member get taken away.
The Map needs to be narrow with lots of cover and escape routes. It's why the thugs chose this place to ambush the PCs.
Small Brown Boxes - Impassible junk in the alley (Boxes, etc)
Red X's - Bandits
Pink Circle - Boss
Black Circles - Get away spots (Sewer covers, back doors)
Blue Square - PC Position
Special Mechanics:
Ambush - Not really a special mechanic, but utilizes the stealth mechanic. The enemies are trying to get the jump on the PCs so roll against the PCs passive perceptions to try and get the drop on them. If they succeed they get a surprise round, otherwise proceed as normal.
Consequences - If they do get the PC, they won't kill them, as long as the PCs comply with their requests. It gives the GM a great future plot hook and can really complicate any current adventure.
Get Away! - Each of the get away areas leads to extremely complex tunnel systems. If the enemies get there the PCs won't be able to follow.
How We Used it - Our PCs got involved in doing a bunch of good work for the town. One of their jobs was to catch a group posing as guards and bullying people into giving them money. When the fake guards realize they've been made (and that these are proper adventurers) they knocked out our warlock and took her quite far away, before they were subdued by the rest of the party.
Easy Re-skins - This could really fit any campaign or theme. Just change the enemies to the appropriate time frame.
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