Dining with Class: Embarrassing the Host (Part 4)
This is an optional encounter. Essentially your party may decide to barge into the dining room, embarrassing the lord of the manor. This has the positive side effect of making it easier after they escape as the lord will be so embroiled in dealing with damage control that they won’t be able to chase after them. On the negative side, they will have to deal with a room full of hungry ghoul nobles that will immediately chase after them. They will want a way to make sure they can distract them while they escape.
Initial Description:
Your party decides to walk into the dining room of the nobles house. As soon as they come in you can hear gasps around the table. A noble in garish yellow and green clothing stands up. I never expected to see house Terivan fall so low sir. We will catch these criminals since you seem unable to do so yourself. Hungry eyes from around the room dart at you. Roll initiative.
More Ghoul Nobles. Like the last set of ghouls, they fight with weapons until they drop to a quarter health, at which point they will use their claws. The nobles carry weapons, in this case rapier, which do 1d8 + 2. The exact amount is unimportant, as it should be around 20ish. Your party should not be able to take them on their own.
Possibly the NPCs they saved from part one. Also if they found a way to break the dance in the previous room the PCs may have a group of NPCs causing confusion.
Main: Stay alive
Secondary: Embarrass the host
The table is full of guests ready to eat the PCs. They expect to be served any minute. The PCs arrive from the West side door if they choose to come in.
Special Mechanics:
Ghouls with Class - The ghouls fight with weapons until the hit 25% health. Once that happens they use the claws on their own stat profile.
Inspirations, Shoutouts, and Thanks - Thanks to @udeadnightmare on twitter for a cool encounter builder prompt, a section of the city filled with undead has been walled off.
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